学科以科研求品位,以教改求质量,坚持小班化分层教育,因材施教,提优补差,教学质量明 显提高。在教学成绩上,2001年学年度期末统考统批,初中各门主科成绩名列全县榜首。小学各年 级考试优秀率达标,特别是小学毕业会考成绩在全县名列前茅。
Subjects Teachering imported by researching and changing the ways of teaching in small classes,inorder to improve all the studests.
For the subject scores ,the result of exams in the middle school got the front position in the whole county in 2001,while in primary school,all grades got excellent pesition, too.Especially in the graduation exam.