全面的寄宿教育,有助于改变学生的某些不良习惯,逐渐培养学生的自理能力,交际能力,群体意识,合作精 神,进而养成良好的学习习惯。 军事化的作息制度,使学生形成干练,高效的作风,不断克服惰性,从而朝气蓬勃地生活。 封闭式的管理,开放式的教育。在学校选择性的社会调查,参加劳动等活动中增长知识,开阔视野,陶冶情操, 减少社会和家庭可能带来的负面影响。
·They can get rid of their bad habtts, take care of themselves communicate freely, cooperate with each other and cultivate good study habits through a residential systerm. ·With a military schdeule, they have and active life and do everything effectively. ·Students can do social investigation and take part in laboar. They can broaden their knowledge and their outlook. Finally, they mould their temperament