学校经过多年的实践和探索,正形成了教学特色。 A 起点早:从小学一年级开始,启用了《牛津英语》进行启蒙教育,形成母语和英语双语共同发展的模式。 B 教法化:改革课堂教学模式,设置情景教学和开设外语角,充分调动学生的学习积极性,让每个学生体会到学习 英语的乐趣。 C 容量大:学校正积极探索小学、中学相联结的教学路子,创造性开发教学,扩大教学容量,使外语成绩在同类学 校中处于领先水平。
We have done much research and practice for teaching. New Our own characteristics have come into being. Oxford English has been taken for primary grade one, using bilingual teaching systerm. From the non-technical point view, we have known a task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, fveely or for some reward such as gioing a lecture to the students.